Personal Training

Personal Training

All personal training services at George Erb Fitness Center, Inc. are provided by certified training staff with a minimum of a bachelor's degree in the exercise sciences. Personal training sessions offer individualized fitness programs including both a cardiovascular and resistance training regimen. The first session includes a functional needs assessment, a goal based resistance training program, instruction in proper technique to complete the program, as well as a training schedule/program.

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Whether the goal is weight loss, performance enhancement, injury prevention, or something else altogether, our training staff has the experience and expertise to help you achieve it.

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  • One Session: $90

  • Three Sessions: $240

  • Ten Sessions: $600

Defined Fitness Session

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Defined fitness sessions offer all of the benefits of our standard training sessions, but includes a patient evaluation with one of our licensed physical therapists. The physical therapist will complete a total body “needs assessment” as well as provide recommendations and requirements to our training staff in order to provide the safest training program possible.

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  • One Session: $150

Defined fitness packages are recommended for those members who have been recently injured, have a history of injuries or are currently dealing with a physical ailment.   These sessions are available by appointment, on Tuesday and Thursdays between 9:00AM and 6:00PM only.

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